The European Award for Architectural Heritage Intervention (AADIPA) is a prestigious architectural award that recognizes excellence in the field of architectural heritage preservation and intervention in Europe. It aims to promote and highlight projects that demonstrate innovative approaches to the conservation, restoration, and enhancement of architectural heritage. AADIPA was first established in 2013 by the COAC (Architects’ Association of Catalonia) and the AADIPA (Architects’ Association for the Defence and Intervention in Architectural Heritage). It is organized biennially and has gained significant recognition within the architectural community.


AADIPA has several key objectives. Firstly, it aims to recognize and celebrate projects that showcase the harmonious integration of new interventions into existing historical structures while respecting their cultural, historical, and architectural significance. The award also emphasizes the importance of preserving and revitalizing architectural heritage as a means to contribute to the social, cultural, and economic development of communities. By highlighting innovative design solutions, sustainable practices, and the use of advanced technologies in heritage intervention, AADIPA encourages professionals to push the boundaries of architectural preservation.

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“Country house, Girona, Spain. Arquitectura G Photo”_©José Hevia


AADIPA encompasses various categories that cover different aspects of architectural heritage intervention. These categories include restoration, which focuses on the faithful recovery of architectural heritage, and rehabilitation, which recognizes interventions that adapt existing structures for new uses. The award also acknowledges projects in the reuse category, which repurpose historical buildings for different functions. Additionally, there is a category for urban planning interventions that revitalize urban areas while preserving heritage, as well as a category for landscape interventions that enhance the natural and cultural landscape.

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“Category A, Royal Museum of Fine Arts (KMSKA), Amberes, Belgica, by KAAN Architecten”_©Sebastian van Damme

Eligibility and Participation

AADIPA is open to projects from all European countries, regardless of scale or budget. The award welcomes submissions that highlight architectural heritage intervention and preservation. The focus is on projects that showcase exemplary work in conserving, restoring, and enhancing architectural heritage while integrating contemporary elements and innovative design approaches.

Evaluation Criteria

The evaluation process of AADIPA involves an international jury composed of renowned architects, historians, and experts in the field of architectural heritage. The jury evaluates the projects based on predefined criteria. These criteria include the quality of intervention and restoration work, the respect shown for historical authenticity and cultural significance, the integration of contemporary elements, and the consideration of social and environmental sustainability. The jury’s rigorous evaluation process ensures that the selected projects truly exemplify excellence in architectural heritage intervention.

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“Category B, Valencia Central Park, Valencia, by Gustafson Porter + Bowman”_©Richard Bloom

Recognition and Impact

Winning the European Award for Architectural Heritage Intervention (AADIPA) is a prestigious recognition within the architectural community. The award serves as a platform for professionals to exchange knowledge and experiences, fostering discussions on challenges and best practices in heritage preservation. AADIPA inspires responsible and innovative interventions in architectural heritage, encouraging professionals to consider the social, cultural, and economic impact of their work. The award’s recognition and impact contribute to raising awareness of the value of architectural heritage and promoting its preservation for future generations.


In conclusion, the European Award for Architectural Heritage Intervention (AADIPA) celebrates and promotes excellence in architectural heritage preservation and intervention throughout Europe. With its diverse categories, rigorous evaluation process, and significant recognition, AADIPA plays a crucial role in inspiring and recognizing innovative approaches to architectural heritage preservation and enhancement.

Among the winners of the 4th edition is the reconversion of a landmark building in Barcelona (formerly home to a workers’ cooperative) for use by residents; the renovation of a square that reflects Albania’s complex and diverse history; the urban renewal of a deprived neighborhood in Porto; the recovery of a historical center in Cantabria; and an initiative that fosters built heritage as cultural capital both for the population of Equatorial Guinea and for tourism. The panel, which emphasized the effectiveness of these modern solutions in preserving the original essence of history, chose 12 finalists, four winning projects, one special mention, and one special restoration award from a total of 239 submissions.

The European Award for Intervention in Architectural Heritage AADIPA is a biannual prize funded by the Ministry of Culture of the Government of Catalonia and Barcelona City Council, organized by the COAC (Association of Architects of Catalonia) and the AADIPA (Association of Architects for the Defence and Intervention in Architectural Heritage). This fourth prize, with a record number of contestants from a diverse range of nations, is solidifying the award’s international name and recognition.

Given the diversity of the projects submitted, the award’s international jury wished to highlight not only the professionalism and architectural quality of the entries but also their ability to demonstrate that a contemporary intervention can keep alive the original spirit and ambition of these elements to disseminate and boost architectural heritage.

Reference Links:

  1. Winners ADDIPA, European Award for Architectural Heritage Intervention (no date) Winners ADDIPA, European Award for Architectural Heritage Intervention | The Strength of Architecture | From 1998. Available at: (Accessed: 04 July 2023)

Liyana Lajudheen is an ardent reader and a film enthusiast. Currently pursuing architecture in India, she is keen on travelling and would like to explore different cultures. Though she treads lightly on the technical aspects, she is a vivid imaginer and can go places in just a flick of a moment.