Human-centered design refers to an integrated concept that highlights the priority of the users of any section of people by understanding their needs and creating a tailored product that would ease the function of a space. On the verge of development, a country must be ready to adhere to all necessities of its citizens. A nation requires providing facilities to all in need without any inconvenience. One will be able to build more intuitive, accessible products that are likely to turn a higher profit because the users have already vetted the solution and feel more invested in using it. Thus universal design approach is being adopted throughout the infrastructures to help people with disabilities and various needs to have a hassle-free experience.

What is human-centered design — and why does it matter? - Sheet1
Human Centered_©Klawe Rzeczy

Phases In Human-Centered Design

There are majorly three phases when it comes to a human-centered design, they are-

  • Inspiration

The first phase concentrates on the specific user with specific needs that could affect their lifestyle and living. Hence by understanding factors like what they want, why they want and when they want certain entities designers or architects can initiate design. This phase in a human-centered design requires understanding and empathy towards an individual since it would be helpful to go through the problems faced by an individual in depth. This approach can assist to determine the behavior, routines and uncomfortable situations, which further helps in designing.

  • Ideation

After the first phase of any human-centered design, it gives a good quantity of data specific to an individual and their needs. The developer then prioritizes the data collected to begin design development. Ideation is an important phase of brainstorming at different levels that shed light on various solutions. The objective is to test the ideas, gather input, iterate on the ideas, and then test them again until designers have developed an ideal solution.

  • Implementation

The final phase of human-centered design seeks to implement the idea of providing real-world solutions. As a result, the user is at the centre of the entire process, making it the initial and final points. 

Needs In The Contemporary World

What is human-centered design — and why does it matter? - Sheet2
The Transparent Tokyo Toilet_©SBA

Organizations are transitioning to fully digital or digital-physical hybrid delivery due to social distancing due to the pandemic. Courses, counselling and ceremonies in gyms, medical facilities and places of worship were exchanged online. Restaurants now offer curbside pick-up and online ordering. These changes profoundly modified the planning of any project. Among the wider public: children, the elderly, people with physical disabilities, and those who were sceptical about in-person substitution by digital interactions. Designers should consider the different needs of these users when creating and enhancing digital channels.

Designing For The Contemporary World 

What is human-centered design — and why does it matter? - Sheet3
The Edge, Netherland_©Ronald Tilleman

Firstly, the architect must think differently about developing and implementing solutions for the new reality. The human perspective is vital to successful design, and this perspective is evolving rapidly. The human-centered design gives you a better understanding of people’s needs, motivations and concerns, but it also makes the design process more effective and flexible. Secondly, it is important to consider geographical and cultural differences. Lastly, although there are no safe bets, there are things an architect or designer can do now to get started with a human-centered design.

Initiating Inclusive Design

Human-centered –Serel Wave Washbasin_©Serel Design Team

Some users, for instance, may have difficulty accessing the technology because a device or broadband connection is not readily available. Others, such as the elderly and the very young, may not be accustomed to interfaces and processes, which are old news for digital veterans. Good design comes down to adoption and functionality. Buildings are nowadays equipped with all the necessary aids that are useful for the users like wheelchair ramps, toilets for the physically challenged, sign boards, tactile tiles, circulation guides etc. When designing corridors, queuing areas and entries or exits, ensure spaces are wide enough for mobility equipment to move through without touching the sides. While designing one must also consider the placement of signs and counter heights to ensure they are accessible for all. 

Design Is Human-centered 

All industries from construction to food are all based on humans. Contrary to what we can say about modernism and deconstructivism, human-centered architecture is not a trend in design. It is more of an approach to positively strengthen the relationship between the built space and the people in it. Buildings shape us as we shape buildings. Architecture has been a journey towards more visual to purely functional, and then a combination of both. But presently architecture is slowly becoming more flexible, more diverse and more accessible as a process for people.

“People ignore design that ignores people”- Frank Chimero. people being the central system in any design expands various opportunities and brings in various obstacles as well. It becomes an architect’s or designer’s role to analyse them and process the design in such a manner that they could prove beneficial to everyone. One should make enough contributions to make spaces livable and products usable.


  1. Klawe Rzeczy. [Illustration]
  2. SBA. The Transparent Tokyo Toilet. [Photography]
  3. Ronald Tilleman. The Edge, Netherland. [Photoghraph]
  4. Serel Design Team. Serel Wave Washbasin. [Illustration]

Online sources:

  1. TED (2016). YouTube. Retrieved October 30, 2022, from
  2. Voegeli, A. (2020). Human-Centered Architecture: What is It and How It Makes a Difference. [online] EN – dormakaba Blog. Available at:  [Accessed 30 Oct. 2022].

Vanishya Vasanth is an architectural graduate and an enthusiastic writer. She writes to remember, gaining knowlege with every word. You will find her sketching and doodling her thoughts dreaming of a self-sufficient and sustainable world ahead.