On the Yucatán Peninsula of Mexico, Chichen Itza is a mystery that rises out of the lush forest like a treasure that has been worn down by time, the elements, and human activity and is just waiting to be discovered. It began as a project but has since grown into a mission to preserve this UNESCO World Heritage site and one of the Seven Wonders of the World by carefully restoring Chichen Itza to its former splendor as a civilization. The sun’s golden rays dance across its old stone monuments, whispering tales of a long-gone civilization that once grew rich on this sacred land. It’s an architectural and natural symphony that beckons visitors to unravel its mysteries and marvel at the majesty of a civilization that has shaped history for all eternity. Let’s dive into the fascinating chronology of Chichen Itza’s restoration, illuminating the difficulties encountered, the actions done, and the creative techniques used to give these old stones new life.

The Enigmatic Era (c. 600–900 CE):

The early records of Chichen Itza shrouded in historical mystery, point to settlement as early as 750 AD. But Chichen Itza didn’t reach its pinnacle as a significant center of culture and politics until the Late Classic era (around 900–1100 AD). The city had an unparalleled upsurge in development and architectural splendor throughout this period. The Great Ballcourt, El Castillo, and the Temple of Kukulcan emerged as iconic buildings that defined the horizon of wealth. Chichen Itza remained vibrant until the Mayan civilization collapsed in the twelfth century.

Veiled in Mystery (c. 900 CE):

After the Mayan civilization collapsed, the decline of Chichen Itza is still shrouded in mystery. A variety of theories, from changes in the surrounding environment to internal strife, add to the story of its final abandonment. The city was enveloped by nature, represented by the expanding jungle, which covered its magnificent architectural structures with a lush canopy. The ancient embrace of Chichen Itza only became apparent to explorers and archaeologists in the 19th century, when it emerged from historical obscurity.

Timeline of restoration: Chichen Itza (Mexico)-Sheet1
Chichen Itza_@G.A.Rossi/picture-alliance/dpa/AP Images

Early Initiatives and Innovations in Technology

As interest in the site grew in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, archaeologists and explorers started taking steps to protect Chichen Itza. Barriers and documentation were the mainstays of early attempts to reduce the impact of tourists on fragile monuments. Reconstruction began in 1910 when a new stairway was built from the ground up. After an earlier attempt at restoration with recycled stones, freshly cut blocks meant for the steps were used in their place. 

As the 20th century went on, it became clear that a more thorough repair plan was required, so Around the middle of the 20th century, restoration efforts underwent a significant shift as archaeologists began using increasingly sophisticated surveying tools, like lasers and 3D modeling. Not only did modern technology facilitate extensive documentation, but it also prepared the way for the intricate reconstruction that remained to be completed.                                                

Timeline of restoration: Chichen Itza (Mexico)-Sheet2
Reconstruction of the staircase with stones from scratch in 1910_(G.A. Rossi/picture-alliance/dpa/AP Images)
Timeline of restoration: Chichen Itza (Mexico)-Sheet3
Newely built pyramid in 1929 Piture by Charles Linberg(https://www.cozumel4you.com/chichen-itza-charles-lindbergh/

Comprehensive Reconstruction and Structural Reinforcement

Restoration efforts transitioned into a major refurbishment and structural reinforcement phase near the close of the twentieth century. Fallen stone pieces were meticulously put together by skilled artisans and repair experts, according closely to the traditional Maya construction techniques. To ensure structural integrity while preserving historical authenticity, modern materials need to be used. In recent years, restoration works at Chichen Itza have embraced an innovative fusion of technology and tradition. Utilizing nanotechnology and state-of-the-art materials, engineers and specialists in ancient stone carving techniques collaborated flawlessly. This harmonious convergence was intended to maintain the historical charm of the building while fortifying it against the ravages of aging. In 1992, serious rebuilding got underway, with new stones being cut to create the talus on the sides and tables.

The footsteps of Chichen Itza’s past splendor reverberate through every painstakingly rebuilt stone as we stand at its entrance today. In addition to documenting the architectural rebirth, the restoration chronology showcases the commitment and creativity of the human spirit. The once-lost Chichen Itza has been resurrected, beckoning future generations to marvel at the nexus of modern preservation and historical significance. Located in the middle of the Yucatán jungle, this UNESCO World Heritage Site is protected for the enjoyment of all those who choose to delve into the mysteries of the past, not just as a relic but as a living legacy.


Hajovky, R. (2020). Chichén Itzá: If we build it, they will come. The story of the rebuilding of Chichén Itzá as a tourist attraction in the 1920s and 1930s.Mexico: Self-Published

Hajovky, R. (2015). Shadow on the stair: A story of Mass Delusion Cuisine. Culinary Research, Volume 1(2). https://everythingcozumel.com/chichen-itza-a-story-of-mass-delusion/ [Accessed: 5 June 2016].

Roberts,E. (2016). Second pyramid found inside Kukulkan at Chichen Itza in Mexico.CNN Business, p.1. Available at https://edition.cnn.com/style/article/chichen-itza-pyramid-discovery/index.html [Accessed 17 November 2016].

UNESCO (2015). Pre-Hispanic City of Chichen-Itza.[online]. Available at: https://whc.unesco.org/en/list/483 [Accessed 20 June 2016].

History (2018). Chichen-Itza.[online]. .[online].(26 June 2023). Available at: https://www.history.com/topics/ancient-americas/chichen-itza#section_1 [Accessed 20 June 2016].

Chichen Itza (2018). Chichen-Itza.[online]. .[online].(27 September 2023). Available at: https://www.chichenitza.com/history [Accessed 19 August 2021].


Yachi, an aspiring architect, passionately delves into documenting the intricate blend of architecture, art, and culture, resonating with historical and contemporary aspects. Zealously exploring sustainable architecture and emerging trends, Yachi is particularly intrigued by unraveling the interconnected threads between human psychology and spatial design, seeking to comprehend the holistic essence.