After completing the deadly thesis, the first step into the world of architecture is special to every architect. The five-year-long architectural education is no less than a rollercoaster ride with sleepless nights, intense juries, survival on coffee and innumerable hours drafting and trying to come up with one perfect design. The thought most architects have after graduation is to hunt for a job and gain practical experience. Now here is where the real journey begins and for a freshly graduated architect, the entire experience can be overwhelming. 

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The job hunt and the aftermath:

A fresher architect is like a piece of charcoal that goes through various hardships to turn into a diamond. Upon graduating, the architect completes the first step of the process. The next and the most excruciating process is the job hunt. 

Hunting for a perfect job is overwhelming considering the history of architectural work culture. Now this is the step where one needs to be careful and be consistent with the job selection. It is important to evaluate the skills, understand them and then look for a suitable position. 

The endless hours of working on a design project are nothing compared to the reality that an architect faces when he/she enters the practical world. The excruciating working hours can take a toll on the young mind to meet the deadline whilst preparing him for the future. 

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Working on AutoCad_©Amazing Architecture

An architecture studio/firm is responsible not just for designing, but also for ensuring the execution of the design according to the expected details. The complete process consists of varied works and departments to work together. 

A fresher architect’s mind is like a sponge. It can absorb most of the information, but it needs some grooming. The young architects are curious but lack confidence and this is where the company seniors can be of help. 

Acclimatizing with the work culture: 

A fresher, when graduated, aims to monetize his skills by mostly taking up a job. However, the standard industry payment for a fresher is quite low. The confusion in the mind of a fresher is beyond capacity, considering the need for a job and experience and then weighing it with the amount he’s being paid. 

The work culture in architecture is mind-boggling. Low payments, long working hours and tremendous pressure. Most of the young architects find this to be quite a burden and quit their jobs early in time. 

No student graduates from the architecture school with complete knowledge. Young architects out of institutions need grooming to run a firm, real-time execution process, networking, achieving a finesse in the drawings so that they can be readable and many more. Most of the young architects hesitate to get their queries solved because of a lack of vertical communication. 

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Imposter syndrome:

Impostor syndrome is a phenomenon where people believe they are not as intelligent or competent as they are letting on to others. Imposter syndrome is not rare, but is common with recent graduates. 

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Entering the work culture causes a young architect’s life to be turned upside down. The pressure of work, over-achieving ambitions and self-doubt are the most common traits of a recently graduated architect. 

The feeling of not being in the right place is never positive, but sometimes it can push a young mind to change the path or look at things from a different perspective. A young architect’s mind is full of mixed emotions, from wanting to learn it all to questioning his/her abilities. 

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Find your niche_©iStock

Finding a niche in the vast field:

Architecture is a versatile field. Once graduated, a young architect can go in any direction he/she finds suitable. It does not happen most often that a young architect knows what he likes out of the vast sea of options. 

It is not necessary that every architect loves to practice architecture in the traditional way of designing buildings and spaces. Especially at the start of one’s career, figuring out one’s inclinations can be overwhelming. 

Most of the young architects hesitate to take a decision or most of the time are clueless as to what their niche is. Some figure it out with years of experience, whereas some are bold enough to take a decision and go towards their calling. 

Finding a niche in this vast industry is crucial, as doing what one loves will barely lead to burnout. The long working hours or the extra work time would never be an issue if he/she truly enjoys the work they do. 

Architecture degree opens doors to various fields like product design, set design, architectural writing and journalism, urban design, furniture design and many more. Being bold enough to make an informed decision will most definitely lead to positive outcomes.

Architecture is a noteworthy field to work in and it offers various paths to practice architecture. A young architect needs to remember that it won’t be easy no matter what he specializes in. The life in architecture college varies in more aspects than one compared to the work life. Hard work and consistency can have no shortcuts.

However, the work culture in architectural offices needs to change. A holistic and positive approach towards hiring freshers could change the way a young architect works in the office. Understanding that every architect has gone through this process of being a fresher is crucial, as this builds the foundation of a work culture. 

Reference list:

Archinect. (n.d.). Burnout, and the Architecture Work Culture. [online] Available at:

Dezeen. (2022). ‘Architects must reject the “follow your passion” narrative and see ourselves as workers’. [online] Available at:

says, P.B. (2023). The work culture in architecture practices in India needs a rethink – Anoop Bhat – ArchitectureLive! [online] Available at: [Accessed 25 Jan. 2024].

UConn Center for Career Development. (2022). Imposter Syndrome For Newly Graduated Students. [online] Available at:



Simran is an architect passionate about design and writing. She is currently pursuing Architectural Journalism intending to illuminate the unique narratives that underlie each space, design, and structure. She is an avid reader and considers words to be the best tool for bridging the gap between architecture and society.