A spatial phenomenon, experiential manifestation, an antediluvian connection that has evolved with humans throughout the time. That is what architecture is. Architecture’s relationship with the humans has been fundamental, pervasive where it has been an understatement that how much they sustain and shape us creating an impact in human lives. In the course of history, architecture has been a mere record or a reflection of rise of civilizations, their values, assets and their downfall over time. From monuments to structures fabricating the city, every era has been a representation of how architecture has revolutionized the world. And even today, it has elevated the lifestyle; every earthling is trying to fit in.

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Dogona village ,Mali_© Arch daily Musse de l’Homme Settlements on Bandigara escarpment, central plateau region of Mali, West Africa
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Blombos cave, Capetown_ © John Reader  Photo Researchers, Inc

The Reality Of Past

Existence without architecture in our orb will always be anticipating a world which will never be of beauty, heights, and realism, deprived of culture and social context among civilizations. Speculations suggest human race has evolved from being shaggy hair-covered apes to close -cropped creatures having hunting –gathering lifestyle to live ensued that urbanisation made traces. When early humans began to develop a sense of defence and shielding from extreme climates, that’s how science of architecture evolved. Humans did not have the unique ability to compensate for their challenges with shelter, fire, and clothing on condition that, it is exceptionally complex and alluring to anticipate the evolution of the humans, and human knowledge.

Redefining the Reality

Jiggling with advent of functionalism, without architecture, there are few intense notions in mind. In the first place, the need for shelter is one of the essential basic needs, to defend from elements and predators. If the need did not develop, then it would be pretty much the way of nomadic people would be hanging around the world. One common thread in the origin of architecture was the switch from a hunter-gatherer to an agrarian lifestyle and then from there, genesis of architecture improved the lives of people, and perhaps it even changed them.

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Post ruin Bentivoglio_© Arch daily Andrea Rossetti

What if, architecture did not exist; human race would have been relied on natural resources at one’s disposal more or less, control and successful management of resources would be a predominant impact on the society.

What if, architecture did not exist; the civilisations would have failed to embrace the advent of agriculture and trade, there would be nowhere to impose grandeur and expertise of arts shaping mankind.

What if, architecture did not exist; no structures to worship, origin of religion and cults would have never existed, world would have been a better place with fewer hatred and wars over differences and differing beliefs.

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Thousand pillar hall ,Meenakshi temple,Madurai_© Brad coy Majestic Palaces and Temples as expressions of culture and divinity.

What if, architecture did not exist; no place to gather or hangout, social stability would be a growing pain in this hectic habitual life, then every human being would be a victim of social pandemic.

Architecture is Human

Architecture seeks to optimize the relationship between people and buildings to attend a community’s needs. The fundamental strain in the purpose of architecture makes an appearance due to its ubiquity and is on wide scale, representing culture, faith and identity which are key forces what makes architecture sustain. But what if, this tangible realm fails to satisfy the notions, what does humanity relies on?

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Elmolo Hut,Turkana,Kenya_© Shutterstock

Architecture functions on two degree. Firstly, it’s about the basic shielding, but architecture goes beyond the act of survival. It almost explains the essential outcomes of architecture of today that we are trying to live on. But most importantly, architecture is more of art than construction, where the art embodies the construction during every civilization, that’s when aesthetics is unfolded. This is best summed up as 

“When we talk about how architecture matters- beyond, of course, the obvious fact of shelter – is the same way in which any kind of art matters: it makes life better.”  (Goldberger, 2009)

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Basilica of St.Denis (1144)_ © Arch daily Gothic churches and palaces as an identity to express national grandeur and culture.
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Basilica of St. Denis (1144)_ © Arch daily Rose window with intricate details.

A New Age of Aquarius

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Evolution of architecture_ © Rethinking the future

Art and Architecture goes hand in hand. When it dies, humans might reach a point where it loses its originality, where life will be lifeless and epitome of civilisations will be lost. With art being a question mark in the new age of living, various forms of art from advent of pottery to poetry would have not created an impact on the lives of them. Preservation and conservation would be topics of wishful thinking and be conceivable sync with the naturally systematic life that the new orb that brings to them. Generalisation would not be criteria, where it would have avoided differentiating from species to communities and the role of reshaping and adapting with the ecosystem would be nurtured among humans.

Although, life without architecture would be concluded as microscopic possibility of adaption, as thinking about the life we live now, every earthling needs to redefine their purpose in this universe, as most of the humans would have no clear idea  what they would be but loving a nomadic life. However, coming back to reality, sense of architecture has been a great impact on humans where positives and negatives go clasping hands, due to human’s own actions and reactions towards the mother earth and wondering who really are questionable.

Nature only sides with truth. – Adolf Loos


  1. Le Corbusier and Charles-Edouard, J., 1926. Vers Une Architecture. Paris.
  2. Duo Dickinson. “Architecture is Human: But Beauty is Found Everywhere” 19 Jan 2022. ArchDaily.
  3. Victor Delaqua. “Architecture Between a Glorious Past and a Questionable Present: Interview with Greek Architect Andreas Angelidakis”
  4. Mental floss (2017). 7 Indigenous way Architecture helped humans thrive. [Online]. (Published on 17 April 2017).

Varsha Mini Veronica, an architect and urban enthusiast, driven by desire to envision modes of sustainability through design as a tool highlighting architectural writing as the medium to critique, create a demand for better architecture for society. Her strengths include her as a vertical thinker, as she believes in developing platforms that are not just human- centric but to address the livability of the environment.