With time there have been lots of advancements, as well as discoveries and inventions in the field of architecture. From hand drafting the drawings to developments in the 2D and 3D software. From the discovery of cement as a building material to discovering new materials and methods to reduce the carbon footprint created by cement to a certain point even replace it. With constant threats from the aftermath of climate change, sustainability is just not an option but a need. And with AI being introduced in the field, it can be a game-changer for architects. Will there be a new form of architecture that we’ll get to see or there’ll be new roles for the architects?

“The mother art is architecture. Without the architecture of our own, we have no soul of our civilization” – Frank Lloyd Wright

A “Sustainable” Future for Architecture-Sheet1
Changi Airport_@CC WAF


Since the beginning of time, humans have focused on sustainability in their structures, whether it may be in the form of material and their procurement which saves time and labor, or in the form of techniques depending upon the weather. But with time, and with the discovery of new materials, and also the rise in the population of urban cities, we have drifted away from the sustainable value in our structures. And with climate change, it is not a luxury to build a sustainable structure but a necessity to reduce the carbon footprint. It may be in the form of stacked structures to accommodate the rising population in urban cities or also by taking lessons from our past structures and experimenting with them to create materials that are stabilized and of improved quality. 

A “Sustainable” Future for Architecture-Sheet2
Bamboo Architecture_@CC yanko design

AI in architecture

AI has already been adapted in many fields, including architecture. With the rise of AI in the field of architecture, it will reduce the time of the architects from construction drawings and calculations and they can utilize it to the creative side.

With AI, many design options for a particular project can be created to choose the most ideal option. With AI sustainable quotients can be achieved in the future while reducing time and effort. Many existing software and new software are being developed to support or rather use artificial intelligence to generate drawings and designs. AI will help in analyzing data like building orientation, materials, and energy usage. It can create aesthetically pleasing but also functional designs and also optimize designs.  

In the future, AI can be an integral tool of the architecture design process and it can also change the role of architects in future.

Smart cities

A “Sustainable” Future for Architecture-Sheet3
Smart city_@CCJamesteohart via ShutterStock

 As cities become increasingly crowded and complex, AI can play a crucial role in managing urban infrastructure and services. For example, AI algorithms can help to optimize traffic flow, predict and prevent crime, and even manage waste disposal. By analyzing data from a variety of sources, including sensors, social media, and government databases, these algorithms can provide valuable insights that can help city planners make informed decisions about how to allocate resources and improve the quality of life for their citizens (García-Sánchez et al., 2019).

With the help of AI, new cities will be planned properly and sustainably and existing cities can be more efficient and sustainable. A smart city can also be defined as an evolving city. With advancements in automated data collection, complex components like network buildings, roads, transportation systems, water resources, electricity, etc. can be planned more efficiently. 

That being said, we cannot depend on artificial intelligence to do all the work. Architects, city planners, and municipality officials may approach and look for methods to make even better changes to the cities according to their population growth, economic growth, and the society and its values.

Vertical cities

A “Sustainable” Future for Architecture-Sheet4
Vertical city_@CC aconservedwild

Vertical cities are a conceptual idea. Concept of the vertical cities can be utilized when there is a rise in population and there is a need for space to accommodate all and everything. According to the concept of vertical cities, residential, commercial, educational and other facilities will be accommodated in skyscrapers. So the site space used will be less, while accommodating everything in a building. With the constant threat of climate change, there’s a possibility of scarcity of food, so more space will be needed for farmlands.

 But the concept of the vertical city can be harmful in terms of no natural light and ventilation can be provided at all times, which can lead to mental health problems.

A “Sustainable” Future for Architecture-Sheet5
Vertical city_@CC aconservedwild

In conclusion, the future of architecture depends mostly on sustainability and use of AI in the field. With the constant threat of climate change which has drastically affected the climate in recent years from wildfires to floods in many places around the world, a solution has to be sought for. And it cannot come from a stack of similar looking square blocks, they’ll have to adapt sustainability there, not only in terms of materials but also many software being introduced in the industry. Some materials that are currently used, will have to be replaced by the ones which suit the given context and not add to the global boiling. 


Architecture has always been the pursuit of improvement taking ideas and making them into tangible solutions. I am inclined towards planning the site execution. My tenacity and ingenuity towards projects and Research in the industry justify how passionate I am about working on life changing and evolved architectural designs.