Sustainability in Architecture has been a progressive movement. An architectural necessity that guides the practice to negate the environmental footprint a building produces on the surrounding context and the ecosystem in general. Architects all around the world practice and promote sustainability through different projects built in varied styles of Architecture. The design must also enable sustainable operation throughout the life cycle of the building, including its eventual disposal. It must be functionally and aesthetically superior, but the room must be built with the idea of ​​achieving long-term resource and energy efficiency.

Sustainable Practice in India

With different cultures and climatic conditions, India has a great potential for practicing sustainability. India is now the second-largest market for green buildings. This trend is entirely market-driven and has been achieved with very little government support. The need arises from the fact that Indian architects have failed to recognize the importance of the social dimension in promoting sustainable development. 

About Benny Kuriakose

Benny Kuriakose, Architect from southern India, strives for sustainable practice through indigenous and traditional practices. He believes in the logic behind traditional architecture, which is climate-sensitive and uses locally available materials to create projects of simple beauty. His projects reflect his ideals by using elements such as terraces, large windows, double ceilings, and open floor plans, combined with the fluid connection between indoor and outdoor spaces

Working hand in hand with the local community to make the user’s point of view is reflected in their designs. The Chennai-based architect is also involved in numerous nature conservation and disaster relief projects and brings his expertise to state governments and other organizations. Here are a few examples of such projects by Benny Kuriakose:


Benny Kuriakose – Pioneering Sustainable Architecture of Regional India-Sheet1

Chandra Mandapa, a modern version of the ancient concept of KuzhiKalari in Kerala, is located on the coast of Chennai, Tamil Nadu. Kalaripayattu has its roots in Kerala and is considered the oldest form of martial art. the proximity to the sea and to compensate for the lack of air conditioning, the raised ceiling and lowered floor help maintain the natural freshness that is important to all artists. 

Made of wood, stone and tiles with provisions for increased airflow through the structure, this Kalari follows the concept of “green” and sustainability developed by Benny Kuriakose and the team.


Benny Kuriakose – Pioneering Sustainable Architecture of Regional India-Sheet2

Dakshinachitra is a centre designed by Benny Kuriakose for featuring traditions of Indian arts, folk arts, crafts, and architecture with an emphasis on South Indian traditions. The centre extends over ten hectares overlooking the Bay of Bengal, at Muttukadu, fifteen miles south of Chennai, on the east coast road to Mamallapuram, Tamil Nadu, India. The living museum recites the stories of people through its arts, crafts, and architecture. The buildings of the Kerala section, such as the Syrian Christian house, the Calicut house, and a typical Kerala house, made entirely of wood, have been transplanted to Chennai from various locations in Parts of Kerala. 

The contemporary concepts of reception and restaurant have been designed to blend in with the surrounding traditional buildings. The numerous verandas make the transition between inside and outside very fluid. Furthermore, light and fresh air enter the space. Constructed forms are flooded courtyards – about rooms for various festivities and events. A sophisticated system of sloping ceilings at different heights and levels surrounds the building.

Casa Rojo

Benny Kuriakose – Pioneering Sustainable Architecture of Regional India-Sheet3
Casa Rojo_©Benny Kuriakose

The location is about 15 km outside of Chennai, on the East Coast Road along the sea. It was an old orchard with lots of mangoes and other fruit trees. The essence of the building should be a space that embodies the feeling of well-being. and calm. It would be a place where you could work, play or socialize without disturbing the harmony of the various elements in this room. The essence of the building should be a space that embodies the feeling of well-being and calm, a place where you can work, play or socialize without changing the harmony of the various elements of the room. 

The house integrates the existing orchard. The view from the gate is of the main house. Although the property is long and narrow, care has been taken to position the house in such a way that all feelings are constricting and offer a spacious backyard at the same time.

Anantya Resort

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Anantya Resort_©TripAdvisor

Of the best hospitality projects designed by Benny Kuriakose Anantya Resort, nestled between tall rubber trees with a view of the Chittar Dam in Kanyakumari, the Anantya resorts arouse serenity in the viewer. The cabins look more realistic. Entrance doors, lamp niches, thatched pavilion by the water lily pond, and many other simple items are exceptionally detailed to enhance the overall atmosphere of the place.

Quiet By the River

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Quiet By the River_©Benny Kuriakose

The confluence of the Malayattoor Forest, Periyar River, and the mountains beyond provides a picturesque location for the Quiet by the River complex. The island resort is made of river stone and bricks, which blends in harmoniously with the colours and shades of its surroundings. Benny Kuriakose promoted the experience and employment opportunities offered in the area. Old wood salvaged from centuries-old bungalows has been transported to the construction site for specialized craftsmen to embed in the huts with a view of the gurgling river.


bennykuriakose. (n.d.). Residential Projects | Benny Kuriakose. [online] Available at: [Accessed 16 Sep. 2021].



An accidental Architecture Student from Pune, India. Saish Dhimate has discovered his passion by finding the midway between Engineering and Architecture. He loves to Understand Human Psychology about designing spaces and breaking stereotypes of planning.