
Architecture, the word itself tells us about its study of art and structural aspects. Architectural technology involves not only the design and artistic part, but it’s also the study of science, engineering, and technological aspects and is closely aligned with industry. Architectural technology is an important medium to express and develop the capacity to develop new and innovative entities in reality. Technology is a strong aspect of reducing time with more productive work. Technology is one of the important mediums that showcase the all-era progressive work throughout progressive technology innovation. Architecture has the power to develop a strong and innovative built environment with the help of new, innovative technology.

Relationship between Architecture and Technology

 Architecture and technology go hand in hand; they are both connected. Because architecture has the power of creativity and technology is a medium, this creativity is used to solve complex problems and get more productive solutions. Technology is not only limited to computer or software work; it’s also the study method of any construction process or construction method of any structure. Technology is wide-ranging; it works with both time-saving with the help of innovative software technology and also with various aspects of methods for the construction process of any structure. Nowadays, technology is the representative medium for realistic 3D modelling in architecture. Technology can solve problems related to various aspects of architecture, like climatic aspects, construction aspects, 3D modelling aspects, realistic rendering aspects, representation of drawings with high quality, etc. type of aspects can be solved according to architectural technology. The architecture itself contains the word “tech. Tech involves artistic structure, which can be called architecture according to this architecture word. Thus, architecture and technology are part of each other.

 Examples of architecture and technology in today’s world:

1. 3D Printing Machines Make Buildings Better
2. Digital Sketchbooks Make Saving and Displaying Renderings Easy
3. Smart Technology Affects Home Designs and Building Designs
4. Climate Change Predictive Software
5. Virtual Reality Makes Models More Realistic Than Ever
6. Photo-Realistic Renderings Create a Colourful Picture of Finished Product
7. Architecture Continues to Advance with Technology
. Design and Visualization Tools
9. Sustainability and Energy Efficiency
10. Construction and Project Management

Evolution from Old Architecture to New Architecture

           Architecture has been an essential part of human life, lifestyle, and society from history to nowadays; it reflects culture, advancements, and social needs. From ancient historical temples, churches, houses, and styles to today’s big towers and skyscrapers, architectural design and technology have evolved significantly over time. The lifestyle and needs of people’s daily live have changed over time, so according to people’s lifestyles and needs, new architectural technology and ideas take place. In the historical period, humans built simple structures primarily for shelter and protection. At that time, structures were made only from available materials like mud, stone, and wood. In ancient history, pyramid temples, Greek and Roman empires, gothic-style structures, and classical architecture with iconic structures like the Parthenon and the Colosseum, etc. were famous.

Before the innovation of any architectural technology, the hand was the only tool for everything. Before technology, architects worked all the architecture with a manual as handwork; they drafted all the architectural drawings by hand only. The evolution of architecture reflects humanity’s journey through time, culture, and technology. From the earliest mud huts to the sustainable skyscrapers of today, architecture has continuously adapted and responded to the needs and aspirations of society.

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Manual work done by

The Power of Technology in Architecture

 In today’s time, technology plays an important role in the architecture field. Technology is a powerful tool to express the hardest work easily with a laser period. Technology is part of the daily life of an architect’s work. Technology is related to most of the work aspects of architecture. For example, in today’s time, all the drafting work, including construction and municipal drawing works, presentation work, etc., drawings, and visual work, is done by software technology. Architecture technology is a time saver for complex work and gives very innovative solutions with various design concepts. Software technology plays a very huge and important role in the architecture field. Architectural technology opens new ways like Interactions get more platforms: because of software work and online mode, all people can communicate on social platforms, interact with each other, and share their ideas about work. 

Because of this, new social contact can also occur. Easily communicate a vision: Computers and software are very helpful in getting or achieving the correct design solution, or any other solution related to architecture, without any hand error! Because software has the capacity and power to generate correct and heavy drawing sets with realistic visual 3D models as well as picture formats, So, architects as well as clients can get a clear vision of any structure or any project design, construction, or any other details through this architectural technology.

The importance of technology in architecture: one of the most significant impacts on architecture is the ability to use advanced design and visualization tools. CAD software. This is computer software that is very helpful in creating complex structures and intricate details with precision and accuracy.                           

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The Evolution of

From the above Fig. 2, it is understood how the evolution of the architecture field has come up to today’s time with this technology factor. Now we can visualize the power of technology that an architect as a person is using to grow from hand-done work to screen work by just visualizing work and doing very smart work with this technology in today’s time. So much extra and unnecessary work time is reduced because of technology. Evolution is the transformation of manual work mode to digital work mode. We will see further what digitalizing architecture is and the role of digital technology in architecture.

What is digital architecture?

“If architects spent less time on manual processes, we could use our energies to explore new ways to innovate and improve our designs.” – Quoted by Eitan Tsarfati.

Technology in our daily lives saves time and energy, and we should not use it at the office to improve our productivity as architects. It seems inevitable that as the world goes through the process of digitization, the world of architectural planning will eventually follow. This digital technology is mostly based on computer software and solution-based systems. Technology development brought not only design solutions but also new materials and new techniques in architecture, and because of the innovation, it’s a complementary bond or relation between design and technology. Digital architecture is characterized by new forms that were not available in the past because of the lack of new construction and design techniques. Digital architecture plays an important role in the relationship between form and function, or, in other words, the relationship between thoughts and philosophy, as it represents new ideas and concepts. Digital design concepts Computer digital design has given various new design concepts. Branko Kolarevic classified them into:

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Design concepts emerging thanks to digital

The digitalization of the architectural process relates to production, performance, environmental sustainability, and economic efficiency. With the increasing weight of technology in the built world, it becomes obvious that technology more than ever influences the architect’s artistic and spatial considerations. The practice of architectural technology is underpinned by the application of science, engineering, and technology and is closely aligned with industry. Fig. 3 explains how digital technology is connected to or binds various aspects of architecture. With the help of various computer-based software, architects or designers can work with digital design concepts that provide various architectural design aspects, i.e., topological design, isomorphic design, animated design, metamorphic design, parametric design, generative design, and evolutionary design. These are all sub-topical branches of architecture. These topics and design solutions can be received from digital technology. These topics are mainly related to structural forms, shapes, volume, etc. For, any parametric building or any high-rise skyscraper building structural form can be easily created with the help of this digital technology. A well-designed building integrates form and function, improving user experiences and spatial efficiency. When form and function are in sync, the overall aesthetic appeal and functionality improve, resulting in a more successful and long-lasting design. Digital architecture gives new innovative solutions for better future development. Digital architecture technology is the door to future infrastructure.

Digital Architecture and Everyday Life

1. 3DRendering 

Present-day, 3D Rendering is a key part of architectural technology; it helps customers and clients understand architecture, the thought behind projects, and structure design. This platform helps realistically visualize clients’ ideas along with 3D model views. Rendering creates very attractive drawings with very good presentation skills. It includes various programs and software tools for animations, videos, and pictures of projects. Thus, it develops easy communication between architects and their clients.

2. Machine Learning 

Machine learning is a very advanced and time-saving technology for architectural work. It cuts the extra work and unnecessary time spent completing project work. All the repetitive work architects don’t have to complete manually; it’s automatically completed by machine work. For example, 3D printing machines, BIM, and VR are types of machine learning technology.

3. Virtual Reality

Virtual reality is also called VR. This technology provides a realistic celebrity experience to users while using it. VR technology creates an immersive 3D experience that touches clients emotionally with their perception of spaces. This provides all living experiences of the interior as well as the exterior of the project. Virtual reality has many more benefits.

1.It’s safer at construction sites and reduces project risk.
2. Reduced project costs in early project stages
3. Intimate Project Previews in Immersive Virtual Environments.
4. Seamless worldwide collaboration.
5. Improved Project Analysis

4. New Skills and Positions

Because of this all-new digitalization and digital technology innovation architecture, it has reached a higher standard as an advanced technical field in the market. With a new career path comes a significant number of newly-opened job positions, both for practicing and teaching. Many new skills and job positions are open for new businesses. Not only architects can get jobs, but also other field experts like software field experts, all technical 3D rendering experts, and related technical knowledge base experts can receive higher-position jobs. With digitalization and digital architecture, it can be said that architecture will surely keep implementing innovative technological methods. Modern tools and devices make architecture more flexible, approachable, and easier to understand. This architectural technological aspect is helping to design newer innovative creative spaces, structures, and environments.

The impact of technology on architecture

Nowadays, architectural technology has become part of daily life. Without the technology aspect, the architecture field can’t work. Because of its connected work chain, it cuts almost all the manual work of architects, so architecture and digital technology are part of each other because of their strong relationship.

1. Impact on Lifestyle

Technology impacts the human lifestyle, i.e., architects do their jobs only by using machines, not by hand or by manual work, so the routine of architects is different as compared to before innovation and digitalization. So, it automatically impacts the lifestyle.

2. Impact on Climate

Software technology allows architects to predict the way that differences in climatic regions will affect a building before it is ever made. So, it’s helpful to predict the climatic relationship of site location with the building before it is built. This impacts an architect’s thought process and impacts the architect’s concept of design while planning a project and designing any structure. This enables architects to create more flexible and durable structures. Using specialized software tools, architects can create buildings that will last longer and function better over decades.

3. Impact on User Perception and Comfort of Living

This technology now impacts users’ perceptions; clients or users now demand this technology as smart technology in their homes and buildings. Smart technology can be used to increase security, improve the comfort of living, and increase efficiency. Smart HVAC systems, security systems, lighting systems, various landscape scheme techniques, etc. types of technologies make homes and buildings, projects, and the surrounding environment more beautiful and comfortable. Smart technology works perfectly with new buildings because the buildings were designed with smart technology in mind. So, technology impacts user perception and comfort of living according to their demands and needs.

4. Increase Productivity

Before the innovation of digital technology in architecture, architects, contractors, interior designers, and property developers depended on the actions of numerous other people. Because of the lengthy and complex process, the productivity of architects certainly didn’t achieve its full potential. But after digitalization came into the architecture field, it allowed architects to work much more efficiently and productively. They don’t have to spend more time on extra work; it’s automatically completed by technology since they can work from home. Furthermore, digitalization has automated several processes so that architects don’t have to spend their time on more work. As a result, the project planning and visualization process go much faster with digital tools and advanced technology. Architects can do more in a shorter period, thus maximizing their productivity and potential. So, the architecture field automatically reaches higher standards with the help of architecture technology and increases productivity.

Conclusion: Final Thoughts

After a transformative year, there is no doubt that architects are set to see the introduction of more and more technologies into their daily workflows.

Digital architecture creates changes in the culture of the field. Digitalization removes the need to use countless sheets of paper for blueprints, sketches, and plans. For ease of access, clients’ and architects’ communicative meetings can happen anywhere, anytime, with the help of online mediums. Because everything is available online, people don’t have to come all the time to the office; they can communicate with each other from anywhere in the world with the help of online technology and share their thoughts, ideas, and concepts. Because of this online medium, the culture of meetings has changed. Naturally, the flexibility of work is increased.

Digital technology is an important part of architecture, no matter whether it is used for small or big projects; it’s a very important and necessary part of every working process of the project. It avoids manual work, is a time saver, and also increases productivity with the flexibility of work. It impacts almost all aspects of architecture, from human lifestyle to final project stage work. It’s an automated machine system, so manual work is avoided. Because of this digital technology innovation, job opportunities are opened for candidates from all over the world. Freelancers and architects working in companies are all taking advantage of the valuable tools and software programs specially created for 3D rendering and architectural visualization of projects. With machine learning, VR, and AR, architects can further ease their routine activities and elevate their projects to a new level.

With the increasing weight of technology in the built world, it becomes obvious that technology more than ever influences the architect’s artistic and spatial considerations. The practice of architectural technology is underpinned by the application of science, engineering, and technology and is closely aligned with industry. So, it can be concluded that The Role of Technology in Everyday Architecture

Image References:

Design Building The Construction Wiki, [12:25 pm, 15 spet. 2016], [Photograph], Manual, hand drating. Retrieved from :

The Evolution of Architecture and Visualization by Norm Li AG+ l [Photograph], Architectural evolution Stages. (n.d.). Retrieved from The 

Science Direct Books and Journal [Photograph], Architecture Tecnology Design concepts emerging thanks to digital design, (n.d.). Retrieved from


Rasika is an Architect by profession and Writer by passion. Her passion for writing about literature and spirituality. Her love for these subjects shines through in her writing, which is both informative and engaging. Through her writing she is trying to spread awareness, importance and sacred knowledge about Vedic - spiritual, religious as well as modern architecture. With the heart of an explorer always seeking new experiences that inspire her, she appreciates soaking in the beauty of the world around her. She truly believes that through architecture we can give the right shape to our society, and maintain our culture to make a difference that stands for generations to come.