Following the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, there has been a resurgence of enthusiasm for winter sports, particularly skiing. Chongli, a town renowned for skiing, has once again captured people’s attention.

Project Name: Cang 41
Design Firm: JUMGO Creative
Project Location: Chongli,Hebei, China
Project Area: 270㎡
Design Date: 2023.03
Opening Date: 2023.10
Design Service: Strategy, Brand, Space Design, Furnishings
Chief Designer: Holy He
Design Team: Ciyoung Chen, Lemonda Luo, Jekker Zhang, Andy Xing
Photographer: Chuan He

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©Chuan He

For avid skiers, Chongli holds a significance beyond being a small town in Hebei. Inspired by their passion, a group of skiers conceived the idea of establishing a distinctive and professional coffee bar in this locale. JUMGO, invited as one of the founders responsible for strategic design, played a pivotal role in shaping the concept of the “North Latitude 41° Ski Cellar,” giving rise to the name “Cang 41.”

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©Chuan He

The first step in attracting consumers involves creating an enticing storefront. Additionally, a successful brand should seamlessly integrate with the local environment. Recognizing that Cang 41’s prime operating season is undoubtedly the snowy season, the designer drew inspiration from “polar research stations” to conceive the concept of a “sanctuary in snow.” The storefront of Cang 41 has been meticulously designed to stand out in a snowy world.

Just as in romantic relationships, where attraction often starts with the external but deepens with the internal, the same principle applies to brand development. Functionally, the designer aims to incorporate various business forms into the space, establishing a connection between the “inside” and the “outside” through an “indifferent” door. Upon entering, visitors are greeted with a warm scene that contrasts with the cold snowy world in an unconventional manner.

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©Chuan He

Spatial planning distinctly separates areas of darkness and lightness, accommodating both a daytime café and a nighttime bar within the limited space. Creating a small yet exquisite space serves as an effective tool for a new brand to quickly build trust with customers. The designer hopes customers can find their own space within the establishment, irrespective of the time or mood.

From a business perspective, the designer aspires for Cang 41 to become an enduring success rather than a trendy shop that loses popularity after the initial marketing hype. The key to customer retention lies in products and details, prompting the brand to prioritize product development and meticulous attention to detail.

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©Chuan He
Cang 41 by JUMGO Creative-Sheet9
©Chuan He

Independent artists have crafted a series of installations called “Seed Repository” for Cang 41, introducing rare greenery to Chongli’s winter landscape and creating a soothing atmosphere. The furniture, independently developed, injects playful and humorous elements while maintaining the brand’s overall tone and style.

With the aim of establishing a unique business model, there is a continuous commitment to deeper reflections on business while serving brands. Whether contributing to new brand constructions or focusing solely on space design, the dedication to breaking through in design and products remains unwavering. Cang 41 is not merely a business driven by a group of individuals pursuing their interests; it is also an “ideal sanctuary.”

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©Chuan He

As a nascent brand born in the skiing paradise, Cang 41 undeniably possesses business potential evident from its inception to its successful realization and widespread popularity. Starting from Chongli, the brand has initiated plans for its next store, aspiring to expand its influence further.


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