Men first make building and then the buildings build men. We are an integral part of nature, every rhythm or natural phenomenon around us brings biochemical changes in our body.

Studio Name:Salient
Design Team:  Vivek Singh Rathore, Anuradha Rathore
Area:3,50,000 lakh sq ft
Year: 2019
Location: Kolkata, West Bengal
Photography Credits: Vivek Singh Rathore, Anuradha Rathore, Subhajit Das

Biowonder- The Green Corporate Park by SALIENT-Sheet2
©Vivek Singh Rathore

For example, the changes in the sunlight around us influence the ebbing and flow of hormone in our body. It controls our circadian clock (bio-clock) in or body.

Similarly, thousands of natural phenomenon influence our stress levels, perception etc. Nature has the key to our aesthetic, cognitive, intellectual, and even spiritual satisfaction. This relationship is termed – Biophylia.

There exists a sustainable relationship between man, nature, and architecture. It has to be biopyllic. BIOWONDER is an attempt to create one such building which would help establish this connect in our working environment.

Biowonder- The Green Corporate Park by SALIENT-Sheet5
©Vivek Singh Rathore
  1.  a) Environment positive features– The architectural shape, form and orientation of the design is in response to the climatic requirements of the region. While the form and shape break the constant hot winds to kiss the green terraces and cool down, the orientation gives cool shaded plazas during hotter times of the day. These reduce the load on the services.

  2. b) Natural pattern and processes –The entire ground floor area of the plot is redeveloped as terrace gardens in the building profile. The terraces are designed to connect to each other so that the sustainable sharing of elements is encouraged.
  3. c) Light and space – Design incorporates the dynamics of the light into the spaces, so that human beings are in constant rhythm with the natural light.
  4. d) Evolved Human – Natural Relationship: To re- establish the relationship between man and human, incorporating best of technology participating with the ecology, Biowonder is designed for experiential living promoting an almost forgotten bond between the soul and nature.
Biowonder- The Green Corporate Park by SALIENT-Sheet1
©Vivek Singh Rathore

Biophyllic design gives rise to other connected values such as energy efficiency, promotion of greenery etc. and above all it helps us to increase our performance. – Good performance leads to good profits and a lot of satisfaction in our corporate world.

The first Corporate Park of East India is not only Gold rated LEED certified building, it boasts of  many facilities( food courts , gymnasium, pharmacy, ATMs etc) for its inhabitants a 4star business hotel of 120 keys , Convention , Business  and Banquet  facilities . This connect of Offices with Hospitality is a unique trait of a Corporate Park.

Biowonder- The Green Corporate Park by SALIENT-Sheet8
©Vivek Singh Rathore

BIOWONDER increases the urban greenery and helps reducing the effects of heat island. We have to be sensitive to the environment around us. It helps in sustaining the Biodiversity around.

Its floor plate orientation helps every office to achieve 80% daylight, great views in 2 directions, green terraces garden attached. (let’s not forget we spend more than 70% of our wake time in our office!).


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