Truly said, “A happy environment is a healthy environment”. For some, it is their home, some their workspace, and for some their schools and colleges. The more we learn and enjoy in that space, the happier we are. So why not learn more and live this life to make a change? Let’s Live, Love, Laugh & Learn.

Here are the 5 common things people learn in architecture schools.

1. Never give up! 

Isn’t it too easy to say? After connecting with the architectural faculty of the school, it is. Getting hundreds of Redos in a week and getting the gold out of the trash of models, comes the best of yourself. In the environment of constant work and everyday workload, we somehow learn to never give up

The redos, tearing of the sheets and the five years of breathing in that campus are blessings in disguise. Our weaknesses are our strengths. Sometimes we do try calling it a day, but certainly, end up completing our work. This is exactly what architecture school teaches us, to never give up, to work the hardest, and make sure never to lose hope.


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2. There’s always the second perspective to look around the world.

From the day we enter the architecture school, we look at the world around us with a completely different perspective. Instead of looking at the crowd in the church, we look at the beautiful naves and aisles. 

While walking in the streets, the beautiful capitals of the house nearby attract us and we unknowingly ignore the barking of the stray dog. We pay less attention to the deadlines and more to how to make this design astonishing and mind-blowing. 

Architecture schools are never about writing journals and solving mathematics questions, it is always about learning to make changes and look at everything from all sides.

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3. Make everything right.

The moment we start observing the incorrect activities running, it gets easier to find a way to make it right. There’s no solution without a problem and neither is there a problem without expecting a solution. The primary job is to fix everything, gradually fix our flaws, and make everything in this world satisfactory and acceptable. 

The time we spend in architecture school is the biggest inspiration to getting the job done correctly and productively. Everybody has a different definition of what ‘right’ is. A prevalent view for the word ‘right’ is creating it for every class, every society, every religion, and every living or dead being on the planet. The day you learn to make everything right the right way is the day you relive your whole life for humanity

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4. Be Bold.

It is a propensity of people to point out the flaws and faults. Unless you learn to stand up for yourself and prove your point, education is of no use. Be firm, be confident and be bold about what you do and what you say, and what you decide and make it happen to bring out the best in you of all the difficulties and breakers in your way. 

The juries in architecture school teach us to be bold, to convince the person in front of us, and to work hard till the jury approves of our ideas. It makes us ready to face any contradiction at any period of our lives and use our powers to surpass. 

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5. Dream big and live to earn what you deserve.

They say, “You only live once”. Then why not live it your way? This world belongs to everyone and everyone deserves to live in it their way. So, dream big and work hard to earn what you deserve.  

An architect desires to create the space he dreamt of and architecture school teaches him to make it happen his way. Just the way a lotus blossoms in mud, the same way an architect grows in strain. He struggles, he listens, and grows as sparkling as diamond and as polished as glass. 

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On a contradictory note, I believe we live thousands of lives every day. Sometimes, we play the role of an engineer, a businessman, a farmer, and even a lawyer. Understanding their lifestyles, we design for their needs. 

The duration of architecture schooling teaches us millions of principles and illuminates us to become a better person. When the situations get out of the hands, we’ve got to get back to where they belong. 

Architecture is not only about learning subjects in the syllabus and scoring good grades, it is also about living life to the fullest and becoming a human, and looking at the brighter side of life with your imagination. We learn throughout our lives, but we learn more when we decide to. This world is fantastic and so are we but we have to make it perfect and available for everyone.


Stuti Bhagwat is an architecture student at SMEF’s Brick School of Architecture, Pune. She’s been writing poems, articles, blogs and short stories on real world issues and believes in changing and encouraging the world through writing practices. Apart from writing interests, she has been awarded numerous awards for music performances on national level.